Health, Population & Nutrition

The HPN is the Health, Population and Nutrition sector working group, which is a platform for development partners who provide assistance to Ethiopia’s health sector. The HPN aims to support the government, especially the Federal Ministry of Health, in implementing the health sector programme as part of the Health Sector Transformation Plan. The HPN also works towards improved aid coordination, harmonization and alignment, and promotes Ethiopian national ownership of the health sector.

HPN is a platform that brings together development partners to support Ethiopia’s health sector. Established by the Development Assistance Group (DAG), HPN includes multilateral and bilateral partners, foundations, and the Global Fund. Civil society and private sector representatives also participate as observers.

HPN’s primary role is to support the Government of Ethiopia, particularly the Federal Ministry of Health, in implementing the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP). It represents development partners in health sector discussions and forums with the Government and other stakeholders. Furthermore, HPN promotes aid effectiveness, alignment, and mutual accountability based on the principles of the International Health Partnership (IHP) and the Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action.

HPN operates under the leadership of two co-chairs, one from a multilateral partner and one from a bilateral partner, who serve for two years. The group also has a secretariat that facilitates its meetings and events. To focus on specific health sector issues, HPN has several sub-groups, task forces, and technical working groups. These groups concentrate on areas such as sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, and health care financing. This comprehensive structure allows HPN to effectively support and enhance Ethiopia’s health sector.

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Chairs & Co-chairs

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Frank van de Looij


Netherlands Embassy

email [email protected]

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Dr. Bejoy Nambiar



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Success Stories

Tigist Molla, a Dedicated Midwife from the Afar Region

Tigist, who is a dedicated midwife from the Afar region, is featured in this video story. Inspired by witnessing the

Healthy Village Project – Dutch Embassy

This video shows the impact of the Healthy Village project on the lives of a community with pregnant and lactating

Premature Babies Can Lead Long, Healthy Lives

Dasash Guade was born prematurely at 32 weeks in Durbete hospital in Amhara region, after her mother, Alemayehu, was admitted


Ethiopian Government and Development Partners Convene to Discuss Macroeconomic Reforms

The Government of Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Development Partners Group (DPG), held a high-level meeting at the Ministry of

Pathways to Accompany Ethiopia’s Strive towards Sustainable Development

UN Ethiopia presented its proposed five pathways and enablers for the UN collective response to help Ethiopia address its national

Development Partners and Government Convened to Deliberate on Ethiopian Food System and Nutrition Transformation Agenda

The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) reaffirmed its dedication to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) when presenting the Ethiopian Food and Nutrition Systems (EFSN) today at the Ministry of Finance (MoF)

A reactive measles campaign: More than two million children to be vaccinated

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), with a technical and financial support of partners including WHO and UNICEF is conducting

Objectives of the SWG

Objective of the HPN working group are:

– To coordinate and provide coordinated technical assistance to the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) in implementing the health sector programme as part of the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP).
– To represent development partners in health sector discussions and forums and ensure joint governance structures for the sector function effectively.
– To contribute to the implementation of International Health Partnership (IHP) commitments through providing coordinated, aligned, and harmonized development assistance to the health sector, with a focus on one plan, one budget and one report.

DPG Health Population and Nutrition 2

Situation of the Sector

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