Human Development Pillar

This pillar includes four JWGs, which are Health, Population and Nutrition, Education, Gender, and Basic Service Delivery.

JWGs of the Pillar

Education JWG

The Education Technical Working Group (ETWG) is a collaborative group comprised of various stakeholders within the education sector in Ethiopia. Their main objective is to enhance the development of the education sector. This is achieved through the implementation of the ESDP VI, a strategic plan that is in line with both national and global development goals.

Health, Population & Nutrition

The HPN is the Health, Population and Nutrition Partners Group, which is a platform for development partners who provide assistance to Ethiopia’s health sector. The HPN aims to support the government, especially the Federal Ministry of Health, in implementing the health sector programme as part of the Health Sector Transformation Plan. The HPN also works towards improved aid coordination, harmonization and alignment, and promotes Ethiopian national ownership of the health sector.

Gender & Inclusion JWG

The Gender Sector Working Group (GSWG) is a collective of development partners and government sectors in Ethiopia. Their primary aim is to engage in and support policy dialogue on gender equality and women’s empowerment issues. One of their key objectives is to enhance the capacity and skill of agencies, technical working groups, development partners, and governments to identify gender gaps and propose solutions in policies.

Basic Service Delivery JWG

The Basic Service Delivery JWG is a joint working group between the Government of Ethiopia and some development partners who support decentralized basic service delivery in Ethiopia. The JWG aims to improve aid and development effectiveness in service delivery by facilitating policy dialogue, promoting harmonization, joint monitoring and coordination on strategic issues concerning basic services. The JWG focuses on sub-national service delivery in education, health, water, rural roads and agriculture, and covers cross-cutting areas such as service delivery and emerging priorities, sustainable financing and citizens’ engagement. The JWG is co-chaired by the Channel One Coordination Directorate (COPCD) representing the GoE, the World Bank as a permanent co-chair, and another rotating co-chair from other development partners. The JWG meets bi-monthly and conducts bi-annual Joint Review and Implementation Support Missions (JRISs). The JWG also aligns its work plan and results framework with the Ten Years Development Plan (TYDP) of the GoE.