Effective Development Cooperation

The Development Partners Group (DPG) comprises 35 bilateral and multilateral development partners. The main objective of DPG is to foster policy dialogue and coordinate/ harmonize development partners’ support for effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the national development plan and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While Ethiopia is one ofthe largest recipients of ODA in sub-Saharan Africa in terms of volume (USD 4.213 billion in 2016), the ODA per capita translates to only USD 37, below the sub-Saharan average of USD 50 per capita.

Indicator List Source of information for monitoring the indicators National Level Data Other Data Source

Indicator 1

Extent of use of country results frameworks by co-operation provider

Indicator 2

Civil Society Operates Within an environment that maximizes its engagement in and contribution to development.

Indicator 3

Engagement and contribution of the private sector to development.

(Open Budget Survey & WWG indices)

Indicator 4

Transparency - information on development co-operation is publicly available.


Indicator 5

Indicator 5a

Annual predictability - proportion of aid distributed within the fiscal year within which it was scheduled by co-operation providers.

Indicator 5b

Medium-term predictability - proportion of aid covered by indicative forward spending plans provided at the country level.

Indicator 6

Aids is on budgets which are subject to parliamentary scrutiny.

Indicator 7

Mutual accountability strengthened through inclusive reviews

Indicator 8

Gender equality and women's empowerment

Indicator 9

Indicator 9a

Quality of developing country PFM systems.


Indicator 9b

Use of developing country PFM and procurement systems

Indicator 10

Aids is untied


The recent 2016 Global Partnership Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) monitoring exercise was conducted to monitor the progress made in implementing the Bussan Partnership using the above ten indicators.  Among the ten indicators used globally, eight indicators were measured based on the data gathered at national level.

2016 Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) Monitoring Survey result

In 2016, Ethiopia participated in the second Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation monitoring survey. The government and its partners have effectively managed development co-operation initiatives to deliver results. Global Partnership data show significant progress in alignment, country ownership and mutual accountability. Official development finance predictability and use of country systems feature as key areas for progress that requires collective effort from the government and its partners. Official development finance predictability and use of country systems feature as key areas for progress that requires collective effort from the government and its partners.

As per 2016 GPEDC monitoring survey result, 97% of new interventions of development cooperation’s objectives were drawn from Government results frameworks or other planning documents, including national development plan, joint donor government strategies, and sectoral strategies. The share of results indicators that rely on data provided by country- led monitoring system is 67% and 80% of interventions plan evaluations supported by the government. In all the three indicators, the national result was above the global average score.

Countries receiving aid has endorsed Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness in 2005 and agreed to strengthen their national system and donors agreed to use them to the maximum extent possible. These commitments were reiterated in the Accra Agenda for Action (2008) and the Busan Outcome Document (2011), where it was agreed that the use of country system (UCS) should be the default approach to channel aid.

However, overall use of country’s public financial management and procurement systems has declined in 2016 GPEDC monitoring survey( 45%) when compared to the last two surveys result 2010 (66%) and 2013/14 (51%).  The 2016 survey results registered decrease in the four areas: national budget execution (25%), financial reporting (42%), National auditing (76) and Use of nation procurement system (33%). Despite all this, CPIA indicator indicated that the quality of Ethiopia’s public finance management system (PFM) has increased  to 4 out of 6 in 2016 monitoring survey compared to the last two surveys 2010 and 2013 (3.5 in both years).

Aid on budget examines the proportion of scheduled disbursements actually recorded in Government’s annual budget (and approved by Parliament). In 2010 only 49% of aid was recorded in the Government’s annual budget, but great progress was made in the latest round of monitoring (2016), with 63%. The indicator serves to record domestic oversight and accountability for the use of development cooperation funding and results (funds can be recorded on budget even if they do not pass through the country’s treasury).

Country Ownership

Inclusive Partnership for Development

During 2016 GPEDC monitoring survey, Ethiopia has scored 3.5 out of five for engagement of and contribution of private sector to development. Participation of private sector in the economy is growing and development plans and policies are increasingly consultative with citizens at all levels. In general, the country has set platforms for inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogue on public – private partnership, including trade unions and civil society organizations.

On gender equality and women’s empowerment Ethiopia is cited as one of the few countries with a system in place to track and make public allocations on gender equality and empowerment. Ethiopia finalized its national gender-responsive budgeting guidelines for mainstreaming gender in the program budget process in November 2012. The focus should now be on the implementation of these guidelines.

Transparency and Accountability

Availability of information of development cooperation in the annual and medium term is critical in the efficient allocation and utilization of development resources.

Availability of information of development cooperation in the annual and medium term is critical in the efficient allocation and utilization of development resources. Annual predictability result has declined, 72%  of the total funds disbursed as planned in 2016, compared to 89% in 2013-14 and 88% in 2010.Medium term predictability declined to 33% in 2016, from 85% in 2013/14. This decline could be attributed to changes in sourcing of data. Previously medium term disbursement was predicted by MoFEC based on previous year’s disbursement, while in 2016 the prediction was based on data provided by development partners themselves. Both annual aid predictability and mid-term predictability were below the global average 84% and 74% respectively.

Ethiopia meets the requirement on mutual accountability, by having country-level targets, assessments toward targets, involving non-executive stakeholders, and public results. Although Ethiopia does not have an aid policy or partnership policy, the Development Partners Group (DPG) and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation (MoFEC) have previously agreed on an aid effectiveness action plan with clear indicators to measure progress. In addition, the Government and the DPG jointly monitor the Second Growth and Transformation plan and have agreed on common indicators to track progress. The annual High-Level Forums (HLF), together with various sector working group and program meetings, regularly discuss the implementation of sector strategies and national priorities. Non-government organizations and CSOs are involved through participation in ad hoc sector working group meetings.

Indicators 2016 Survey results 2016 Global average 2013 Survey result 2010 Global average

Indicator 1. Providers alignment and use of country led resultframeworks

Alignment with Gov objective
Alignment with Gov result indicators
Monitoring Systems
Joint Evolutions

Indicator 2. Inclusive partnership for development

Indicator 5a Annual Predictability

(Percentage of disbursements made as per schedule)





Disbursements beyond scheduled

(Percentage of disbursements made above their plan)


Indicator 5b Mid-term Predictability for the next 3 years





Indicator 6Aid on Budget
Indicator 7 Mutual Accountability
Indicator 8 Gender Empowerment
Indicator 9a Strengthen of PFM
Indicator 9b Use of Country system
National Budget Execution
Financial Reporting
Use of National Audit
Use of National Procurement System
Indicator 10 Aid is untied

ODA to Ethiopia

Official Development Assistance (ODA) has played a key role in supporting Ethiopia’s development initiatives throughout the years.