Ethiopian Seed Partnership

21 February, 2025

The Ethiopia Seed Partnership is dedicated to enhancing food security and nutrition, and building resilience to shocks and stresses. This will be achieved by driving innovation, empowering young men and women, enabling the private sector to deliver high-quality seed, improving access to quality seeds for 1 million small-scale food producers, decreasing the yield gaps of 500,000 of them, expanding sustainable agricultural practices, supporting domestic seed businesses, boosting women’s access to financial services, and convening a humanitarian development and peace Nexus in the seed sector. The partnership will unite Ethiopian and international business research and the public sector, envisioning an inclusive and equitable seed sector that responds to gender dynamics and employs a socially transformative approach. A partnership platform will address regulatory bottlenecks, scale innovation, and strategize trade and investment promotion.

Watch the video story below:


This video story is produced by the Netherlands Embassy and was originally published on their Vimeo page.