Enhanced Danish-Ethiopian Energy Partnership (DEEP) 2023-2028

Denmark and Ethiopia have cooperated on the development of wind energy in Ethiopia since 2016. The Enhanced Danish-Ethiopian Energy Partnership (DEEP) is the new phase of this cooperation, which aims to build upon the achievements of previous initiatives and further strengthen the energy partnership between Denmark and Ethiopia.

The Energy Sector in Ethiopia

The current electricity consumption per capita is low, but growing. To meet the increasing demand, the energy sector must develop and deliver increased and stable energy supply.

Ethiopia has set the goal of becoming a significant exporter of electricity. In addition to this, Ethiopia has the potential to “sell flexibility”. The large hydro capacity in Ethiopia has the ability to balance variable renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, also from neighbouring countries.

Capacity Building at the Core

Under the DEEP programme, capacity building will be the primary focus. Through knowledge sharing and training initiatives, Danish experts will work closely with their Ethiopian counterparts to enhance technical expertise and strengthen the institutional framework within the energy sector. The aim is to equip the Ethiopian authorities with the skills necessary to support the country’s energy objectives effectively.

Under the DEEP programme, Denmark will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) and the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP), with the added inclusion of the Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU). This expanded cooperation will facilitate comprehensive engagement across key entities responsible for the development and management of Ethiopia’s energy sector.

The programme will focus on training individuals, but the goal is to have a lasting impact on the institutions. To realise this, continuous training and a combination of permanent, embedded advisors and short-term visits from experts will be applied. Training-of-trainers will be used to reach the goal of long-term impact.

DEEP represents a significant milestone in the Danish-Ethiopian energy partnership, solidifying the commitment of both nations towards a sustainable and prosperous energy future. The programme’s focus on capacity building, alongside its emphasis on exporting electricity and flexibility, showcases the mutual benefits and cooperation efforts that will contribute to the growth and development of Ethiopia’s energy sector.



Source: This story is authored by Embassy of Denmark in Ethiopia and was originally published on their website.