Infrastructure Pillar

This pillar is composed of three JWGs, namely Transport, Water & Energy, and Innovation, Digital Economy & ICT.

JWGs of the Pillar

Water and Energy JWG

The Water and Energy Sector Working Group (WESWG) is a joint Government-Donor initiative that aims to promote, support, and coordinate sustainable and integrated development and management of water and energy resources in Ethiopia. It has three main subgroups: WASH, WRM and Energy, each with its own objectives and activities. The WESWG Secretariat is hosted at the Ministry of Water and Energy and facilitates regular meetings, dialogues and forums among the stakeholders. The WESWG also functions as a knowledge hub for the water and energy sectors, collecting and disseminating information and best practices.

Transport JWG

Content coming soon. 

Innovation, Digital Economy & ICT

Content coming soon.