Development Partners Group (DPG) in Ethiopia

The Development Partners Group (DPG) is a collective of 35 bilateral and multilateral entities committed to the advancement of development in Ethiopia. The primary aim of the DPG is to stimulate policy discussions and synchronize the efforts of development partners to ensure the successful execution, monitoring, and assessment of the national development plan and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Members of DPG

The DPG has an inclusive membership policy open to Addis Ababa-based development partners – bilateral and multilateral, as well as International Financial Institutions – with an active development programme in Ethiopia.

DPG Dialog Structure

High level Forum

The High-Level Forum (HLF) is the highest-level policy discussion space in the DPG. Chaired by the Minister of Finance, it engages Cabinet ministers, regional Presidents, Ambassadors and Heads of Development Cooperation Agencies. The high-level forum has two modalities – the High-Level Development Forum (HLDF) and the High-Level Business Forum (HLBF). The HLDF takes place twice a year and focuses on a selected limited number of strategic topics linked to the 10-year development plan and agreed in advance by the Government and the DPG and/or on development effectiveness related matters. It is organized by the MoF with support from DPG co-chairs and the DPG Secretariat. A Preparatory Task Force is normally set up for the preparations.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (ExCom) is currently composed of 12 DPG Heads of Agencies. These include 4 permanent multi-lateral members (the World Bank Country Director, the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, the African Development Bank Deputy Director General and the United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative), the 4 highest bilateral ODA contributors to the country (currently, the European Union (EU), UK-FCDO, USAID and Germany), plus 4 rotating bilateral members serving a 2 year period (currently Canada, Sweden, Austria and JICA).

Effective Development Cooperation Task Force

The EDCTF aims at enhancing dialogue and promoting new collaborations among all development actors in order to effectively contribute to a sustainable and inclusive development in Ethiopia and foster an efficient and sustainable mobilization and utilization of development resources. The EDCTF endeavor to coordinate joint efforts between development partners and government in achieving the objectives of the national development plan, Agenda 2063 of the “Africa We Want”, the globally agreed Agenda 2030 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) of Sustainable Development Financing.

Heads Of agencies

HoA meetings will serve to hold in-depth discussions on strategic topics related to the implementation of the national development plans (10-year development plan: A Pathway for Prosperity and associated shorter-term implementation plans) and other emerging issues.

Thematic Areas

The structure of the DPG encompasses five thematic domains, each organized under specific sectoral activities. Each domain consists of clusters that function within that specific sector. Currently, the DPG structure includes (at this point 17) Joint Working Groups. These JWGs collaborate to formulate and oversee sector investment plans and funding strategies. In their respective sectors, the JWGs play a key role in coordination.


The DPG Secretariat, hosted by the UNDP Country Office, supports the DPG Cochairs in ensuring a smooth running of the Development Partners Group. For that, it facilitates dialogue with GoE counterparts, as well as the organization of DPG ExCom, DPG Heads of Agency meetings, High Level Forum (in coordination with Government and other DPG actors) provides advice and supports various joint and technical working groups. Besides, it provides support to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and Ministry of Planning and Development (MPD) in the context of the DPG Pooled Fund’s support to national development priority plans.